This post is all about hiking essentials you will need for a perfect outdoor adventure.

As I’ve traveled the world over the past few years, I’ve developed a strong inclination towards outdoor adventure. Every time I watch the sunrise over a mountain peak, listen to the sound of ocean waves crashing or trek through wilderness, a little girl inside of me comes alive; she’s happy and content. While I wish that I could pack my bags and go explore another country, I’ve been taking this time to chase my wanderlust by exploring my own backyard.
If you’re planning on doing the same and are looking for all the hiking essentials you actually need for a perfect outdoor adventure, this is it! Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, I have compiled all the hiking essentials you will need to bring with you on your trip to ensure you have a smooth and enjoyable hiking experience.
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NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of items required for hiking, but neither is it necessary for you to have every item on this list. Do your research before every hike and take the time to consider what items you’ll need to bring with you depending on the type and duration of hike, trail and weather conditions, local regulations, etc. I always like to check current conditions on either Tripadvisor or AllTrails before I go on a hike.
This post is all about hiking essentials you will need for a perfect outdoor adventure.

A good reliable backpack is almost like the foundation for a good adventure. You’re going to be packing everything inside it like snacks, water bottle, camera, and more so you want to make sure it’s lightweight, but sturdy and waterproof. You’ll also want one with multiple compartments so you can organize items efficiently and know where to find them when there is need.
Hiking Essentials: Backpack

In my opinion, hiking boots is one of the most essential things for a hike. The last thing you want is blistered feet or a sprained ankle because you did not invest in a good pair of hiking boots (trust me, I’m speaking from experience aha). When searching for the right pair, you want boots that are light to tread, provide good grip, and keep your feet dry. Most importantly, you want to make sure that they are comfortable!
Pro hack: sometimes I like to shop in the kid’s footwear section and just size up by matching my size as it is often cheaper and saves me $$$ (you’re welcome for this tip!)
Hiking Essentials: Hiking Boots

I first discovered about microspikes when I went hiking in Oahu, Hawaii. My sister and I were struggling hard as it had rained a lot in the island the past couple of days so the trails were extremely muddy and slippery. We saw other hikers wearing micro spikes and that’s how we discovered them.
Microspikes are slip-on spikes that attach to the bottom of your footwear and they are generally used to provide traction when hiking on fairly level trails in very snowy, icy or muddy conditions.
Note: there is a slight difference between microspikes and crampons which are often confused to be the exact same thing. Microspikes are mainly used for hiking, while crampons are used mainly for climbing on ice. Crampons require a special type of boot they are attached to and special training to use safely. Make sure to use crampons for more hardcore mountaineering when going on icy or snowy hikes.
Hiking Essentials: Microspikes

Trekking poles, or walking sticks, are commonly used and known to make your hiking experience more comfortable by enhancing stability and providing support on all terrain. They improve hiking posture, reduce stress on lower body and back especially knees, increase speed and improve endurance among many other benefits. You don’t necessarily have to use trekking poles unless you are hiking a trail with a steep incline or have weak ankles and need extra support. However, you MUST make sure to grab the right size when purchasing and know how to use them properly for hiking.
Hiking Essentials: Trekking Poles

Having enough light sources is crucial for a hike, especially if you are hiking in the dark during a sunrise or sunset mission, going camping or in case of any unexpected emergencies. The three light sources that I would recommend carrying with you are a flashlight, headlamp and a small lantern. I love the Etekcity LED camping lantern because it is light, easy to operate, really bright and the best part is that you can carry it or hook it onto your bag or tent which is super convenient!
Pro tip: always carry extra batteries in your bag just in case. I have the Amazon batteries but you can purchase them from your nearest convenience store as well.
Hiking Essentials: Light

It is always best to be over-prepared than under-prepared and why not be that friend who gets to play superhero/heroine and save the day just incase someone gets injured. You don’t need a fancy doctor kit which has it all so a basic first aid kit will be just fine.
Pro tip: always check the kit before a hike to make sure its items are in date and haven’t expired.
Hiking Essentials: First Aid Kit

Staying hydrated during your hike is super important so you don’t burn yourself out or get dehydrated, especially on dry, hot hikes. It is definitely worth investing in a nice reusable water bottle that you can take with you on your hike. Some hiking backpacks come with a dedicated hydration compartment with a hydraulics reservoir. Otherwise, you can get a stainless steel insulated water bottle which keeps water cold for a long time or a collapsible water bottle if you want to hike as light as possible.
If you’re going on a long hike, then make sure to also invest in a personal water filtration system or emergency water filters in case you run out of water and there is no safe drinking water around. I have the Lifestraw filter and its an absolute life saver! I also like to carry the DripDrop electrolyte powder with me just incase I feel dehydrated or exhausted on a hike for instant energy.
Hiking Essentials: Water

Nothing beats the satisfaction when you finally reach the top of the viewpoint and reward yourself with a home-made chicken sandwich (heck it can even just be Mcdonald’s). Either way, make sure to carry some snacks with you for your hike so your stomach isn’t growling like a grizzly bear. I recommend going for foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates so you’ve ample energy to keep you going, as well as some granola bars and trail mix for some mid-way snacking.
Hiking Essentials: Snacks

It is always good to carry some sort of direction-finding tools with you in case you take a wrong turn to an off-beaten path and get lost, or you lose phone signal or your phone dies. There are various navigational tools but make sure whichever one you choose to accompany you on your hiking trip that you know how to use it properly.
Here are some of the most common navigation tools:
Map – Always carry a topographic map with you for long or off-beaten path hikes. Something I always like to do is download an offline map from the AllTrails app or Google Maps and print it out to carry with me just incase.
Compass – Compass navigation is one of the most important hiking and backpacking skills. Although most hiking trails are well-marked and well-traversed, you never know when you may accidentally take the wrong turn or your phone / GPS receiver battery may die. This is when the compass will become your new bestfriend, that is only if you know how to use one.
GPS – A GPS, short for Global Positioning System, is a device that provides accurate locational information about where you exactly are via satellite. This can be either a handheld conventional GPS device or a GPS app in your smartphone. Once you locate yourself, you can then use it alongside with maps and a compass for navigation.
Personal locator beacon. These satellite-synced devices are intended to alert rescuers by sending an SOS signal to request emergency services if things go sideways on a hiking trip.
Hiking Essentials: Navigation Tools
This post is all about hiking essentials you will need for a perfect outdoor adventure.

This is not really a hiking essential but if you’re an avid photographer or simply just into capturing lasting memories, then you may want to take a camera along with you for the ride to shoot some stunning, high quality images.
Personally, I use the Canon 5D Mark IV for my images and a Canon PowerShot G7X Mark III for vlogging but there are many amazing smaller and more compact cameras that will do the job. I would highly recommend the Sony cameras as they are compact and more affordable.
Hiking Essentials: Camera

A hike is definitely much more enjoyable with the right ambiance for which reason a portable speaker is a MUST for me. I don’t know about you guys but I love listening to music on hikes because it really sets the tone and mood for me, and attaches a wonderful memory to those songs that I would later reminisce about.
I like to carry my Boom Swimmer speaker when going on long hikes as it is lightweight and my JBL Charge 4 speaker when going on shorter hikes or camping.
Hiking Essentials: Speaker

Carrying an extra power bank is extremely essential in case your phone’s battery dies, especially during long hikes. Nowadays, phones are made with terrible battery life (really I’m speaking about iPhones here) and are strongly affected by external factors such as outside temperature which can make them die even quicker. You don’t want to spend hiking three hours one way only to realize you can’t Instagram this special moment because your phone died on you (if that’s not your thing, that’s still cool, but still grab a power bank and thank me later).
Hiking Essentials: Power Bank

Wearing appropriate hiking attire is important so you can stay warm and comfortable at all times. Temperatures and wind conditions can change pretty swiftly with higher altitudes, and the weather may become colder and windier unexpectedly. I recommend carrying a foldable waterproof jacket in your backpack as they are lightweight, water and wind proof; so that you’re ready to brave whatever weather conditions may come your way!
Hiking Essentials: Waterproof Jacket

A good pair of hiking socks is an absolute essential for any hiking or walking trip. This will protect your feet from painful rubbing and blisters while regulating their temperature. I recommend that you choose a sturdy, thick pair of socks with high-wicking (that are preferably not made of cotton), as they will keep moisture away from your feet and keep them cool and dry.
Pro tip: keep a pair of extra socks in your backpack in case the ones you’re wearing get soaked in rain or mud during a hike.
Hiking Essentials: Hiking Socks

These are not necessarily needed for summertime hiking (unless you’re climbing high altitude trails) but you DEFINITELY need them for hiking in the winter season. You should invest in a good pair of warm gloves that are lightweight, waterproof and insulated so your hands stay warm and comfortable and don’t freeze off while hiking.
Pro tip: always check the weather before starting the hike!
Hiking Essentials: Gloves

Dry stuff sacks are a great hiking essential to keep in your backpack as they help protect your belongings and provide extra space to organize things. They are also great for storing your camera or drone if you plan on doing water activities like kayaking or canoeing so just in case you tip over, the equipment does not get wet and destroyed.
Hiking Essentials: Stuff Sacks

No matter what time of the year you are hiking, wearing sunscreen is very crucial to protect your skin due to the sun’s harmful rays. A lot of people have the common misconception that sunscreen only protects you from getting sunburns but that is not true. The UVA and UVB rays from the sun are the leading cause of premature aging and skin cancer so make sure you always apply sunscreen to any directly exposed skin areas to avoid any long term damage.
My all-time favourite face product is the IT Cosmetics CC+ Cream which is not only a full-coverage, color-correcting and anti-aging cream but also has an SPF 50+ in it. Another favourite face sunscreen of mine is Dermalogica’s Prisma Protect SPF 30 moisturizer which provides broad-spectrum defense while preventing future signs of skin damage.
Pro tip: make sure to apply sunscreen that is at least over SPF 15 (below that only offers sunburn protection). For extended outdoor activities, choose a sunscreen that is over SPF 30. You also want to make sure your sunscreen offers broad spectrum protection which will protect you from both UVA and UVB rays.
Hiking Essentials: Sunscreen

Just like sunscreen, you want to bring along a pair of high-quality sunglasses. This will not only protect your eyes from the sun’s damaging rays, but also from dust, snow, sand and other particles that may get into your eyes while hiking. Even during winter time, the sun can get quite low when climbing high altitudes so having sunglasses will make your life a whole lot easier.
Hiking Essentials: Sunglasses

Another hiking essential you will need to keep you protected from the sun or icy and cold weather is a hat. In the summer months, you will probably want a lightweight, waterproof and breathable hat; whereas in the winter, go for a warmer and thicker hat (like a merino wool or polyester fleece beanie) that is quick-drying, moisture-wicking, breathable and provides good insulation.
inkolg for more aesthetic hat
Pro tip: go for a hat that is durable and odor-resistant so it will last you longer!
Hiking Essentials: Hat
This post is all about hiking essentials you will need for a perfect outdoor adventure.

Use bug spray to save the day! That was me trying to be funny, but I’ll stop right there. But in all honestly, how many of you have taken this one lightly, gone on a hike, gotten bit by mosquitos and came home scratching your legs all night long (or you may have worse stories and may be giggling right now)? When hiking outdoors in nature, you never know what insect is buzzing around you so always ALWAYS use bug spray if you know its fly season and take along it with you to use throughout the day as needed. I also always carry an after bite with me just in case I do get bitten for instant relief.
If you’re planning to backcountry hike in wilderness, then you must take an active role in both protecting yourself and any bears. Bear spray is a non-lethal deterrent which is successfully proven to stop aggressive behaviour in bears. You can find more tips on how to use bear spray here.
Some people also use bear bells, which will warn bears that people are around so they may stay away.
Hiking Essentials: Bug Spray & Bear Spray

Having a whistle is important in case of emergencies. If you get lost, you can use the whistle to get the attention of other hikers to find your way back on the trail. Many hiking backpacks now come with built-in strap whistles for safety purposes and easy access.
Hiking Essentials: Whistle

Even though not completely essential , it is nice to carry a small picnic blanket or towel in case you come across a scenic spot, want to take a little snack break or if you see a water body and want to go for a quick dip or something. It can also act as a nice prop for aesthetically pleasing photos at lookout points! I recommend going for a light-weight, water-resistant and absorbent one so in case its muddy or wet you can dry it quickly.
If you are going on a short hike, then you can even carry some nice tribal-printed blankets from Heartprint Threads or Sackcloth & Ashes, which can keep you cozy and warm and make for some nice shots.
Hiking Essentials: Picnic Blanket or Towel

Having a knife or multi-tool is a hiking essential in case of emergencies or if there is need for cooking, opening a can of beer, cutting fire wood, etc. There are many different options available but make sure to pick one that is small, compact and suitable to your needs.
Hiking Essentials: Knife or Multi-Tool

It is important to pack some toiletries such as wipes and hand sanitizer in case nature calls. It is best to choose find options that are eco-friendly and biodegradable to reduce environmental impact.
Hiking Essentials: Tissue or Wipes

It is always a good idea to take some extra empty bags with you on your hike so you can organize your trash inside or place dirty clothing so it doesn’t ruin your backpack.
Note: please be mindful and caring of Mother Nature when on an outdoor adventure that you don’t leave any rubbish around and take everything home with you to dispose it off properly if there are no trash cans around.
Hiking Essentials: Rubbish Bag
So there you have it, my top hiking essentials you will need for a perfect outdoor adventure. I truly believe that the right hiking gear can make all the difference between having a memorable outdoor experience and a terrible one. Hopefully you found this list helpful for your next outdoor adventure.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding what to pack or anything else related to hiking! <3
This post is all about hiking essentials you will need for a perfect outdoor adventure.
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